Have you been unsuccessfully trying to treat a painful foot condition at home? Our podiatrists have compiled top tips on heel pain, bunions, fungal nails, hammertoes, and other conditions to allow patients to break the cycle of ineffective treatment.
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The Truth about Treating IntoeingIntoeing concerns many parents with children learning to walk, but will treatment make a difference? Dr. Noah Levine explains what works.
Your Alignment: How Pronation Affects Your AthleticsUnder or overpronation could have a painfully negative effect on your athletics. Dr. Noah Levine in Las Vegas explains how alignment affects feet.
Are You Making Your Bunions Worse?Many people wear shoes and do things that make a bunion worse without realizing it. Dr. Noah Levine in Las Vegas explains this risk factors.
Thoughtful Gifts for Senior FeetSenior feet need invested care to stay healthy, which can open up a lot of gift ideas. Dr. Noah Levine suggests a few foot-friendly gift ideas.
First Time to a Podiatrist? Prep First!It’s normal to be nervous about an appointment with a new podiatrist, but you don’t have to be. Dr. Noah Levine describes how you can help prepare.
Potential Culprits for Aching Ankle MysteriesAnkle pain can be a mystery sometimes, but there are a few common culprits. Dr. Noah Levine describes potential ankle pain causes.
No More Cold Feet: Home Remedies for Raynaud’sWhen circulation trouble means freezing feet, there are things you can do about it. Dr. Noah Levine offers home remedies for Raynaud’s disease.
5 Lifestyle Changes to Battle Raynaud’s DiseaseSometimes simple changes can help you warm up cold feet. Dr. Noah Levine discusses easy changes that could help control Raynaud’s disease.
Getting on Your Nerves: Culprits of Nerve PainNerve pain isn’t always from neuropathy. It can have many different causes. Dr. Noah Levine in Las Vegas explains other issues that get on your nerves.
Bunion Surgery for Teens: Yes or No?Bunion surgery may help your adolescent, but it might not be your best option. Dr. Noah Levine discusses when surgery might benefit your teen.